Every child has the right to health care.
BFA works to improve its beneficiaries' health and hygiene conditions, reduce or eliminate the number of girls who drop out of school due to early pregnancies and menstruation struggles, and eliminate poor taboos associated with girls' menstruation.
Some of our projects under this program are:


BFA provides health insurance to the organization’s beneficiaries, which are fully sponsored children and adolescents, to ensure that they manage to access quality health services.

Funded by: BFA Members

Gap: We have not managed to cover all the sponsored children, Donate here.


Youth and adolescents in Tanzania are exposed to high-risk sexual practices, which increases their chance of negative outcomes. They experience sexual coercion and transactional sex, have several sexual partners, make early sexual debuts, have limited condom usage and condom acceptability, have limited contraception use, and have a misunderstanding about sexual and reproductive health.

They consequently experience pregnancy, contract common STIs like Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, as well as HIV, and have several sexual partners, which may be related to lack of information about STIs and HIV or preventative efforts in sexual and reproductive health in Tanzania (Behav 2009). where teenagers between the ages of 18 and 35 form 70% of Tanzania's population (UNICEF 2018). According to the study, young people said there was nowhere in their neighborhoods where they could go to discuss sex-related issues. Lack of equipment, discretion, privacy, and unfavorable service providers' attitudes such as stigma and prejudice Less than 20% of youth reported knowing where free or easily accessible condoms could be found, and pregnancy is the second most frequent reason for adolescent girls dropping out of secondary school. The majority of youth expressed knowledge of oral contraceptives but ignorance regarding their use and negative effects.

Approaches: Policy Advocacy to Prioritize Youth-Friendly Service Implementation by:
a) Allocating resources in their health budgets for the setting up of youth-friendly corners within the public health facilities,
b) Allocating resources for training health service providers on youth-friendly service provision.
c) Ensuring consistent supplies of essential health commodities in all public health facilities.
d) Creating demand for youth-friendly services at the county level and encouraging partnerships and collaboration with other partners working on the provision of youth-friendly services SRHS Education.

Funded: BFA is looking for potential partners and donors to further this project. Donate here.

Gap: BFA is looking for potential partners, and donors to further this project.

Success stories: BFA conducted various trainings and interventions, including the "HER VOICE SYMPOSIUM" with collaborations with VOYOTA on discussions around AGYW. BFA is part of the DDA Youth subgroup advocating for SRHR policy reforms.